Sunday, 16 July 2017

The day started at 9 with a group breakfast on the balcony which we all throughly enjoyed (especially Charlie). After that we headed to Bright Future school to begin our eventful day. Once we arrived we were greeted with a warm welcome and open arms once again. The students of Bright Future presented their dances to us to show us how to dance after our compromising attempt at the macarena without music. Their outstanding performances left us in awe made us tired just from watching them! Once the performances were over the students proceeded to teach the team how to do their traditional Ugandan dances. This involved Mr James, Lewis, Emily, Navneet, Faith, Venni and Prianka wearing traditional dress and shaking their stuff for all their worth! Videos to follow!!
After that we went to visit the Kosovo slums with Ronald from CEFOVID. Within our time there, we got a sense of what the typical lifestyle in the Ugandan slums are. All of us had to overcome a man made wooden bridge to continue our journey, in which we had to had have our hand held in order to make our way across. We also saw variety of wild animals walking around the slums. This included "leg licking goats." The poverty was eye-opening, it made us realise what we take for granted. There was a big difference between driving past it in the minibus and living amongst it. The smells, the drainage ditches with filthy water, the lack of basic amenities and the poor quality housing stood out. This swamp area will be bulldozed in 3 years and these people will be displaced to other areas of the city with no compensation. Their lives are in the balance.  Education for many is the only way out. This puts into perspective the things back home ,that most of us take for granted, making us more aware of the daily struggles people have to go to in order to live on a daily basis.
As for, Betty, the cook,she over fed us with delicious food, the hospitality at the school brings tears to our eyes. Although these people have little money to spare they value our time and efforts to improve the education and resources at the school and will go above and beyond to ensure that we are part of the Bright Future Family.

Trisha, Tara and Charlie

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